We are open and accountable. We promote a transparent corporate culture to facilitate a healthy work environment, a steady growth of businesses and trust amongst all stakeholders.
Our overriding corporate objective is to maximise long-term shareholder value through responsibly and sustainably investing in profit-generating ventures while maintaining investor reassurance. For this reason, we recognise the importance of effective communication with shareholders and the general investment community. We have adopted continuous disclosure standards to ensure shareholders are promptly informed.
Our external auditors attend the annual general meetings as recommended by the Principles of Good Corporate Governance and Best Practice Recommendations. They are available to answer shareholder questions about the conduct of the audit and the preparation and content of the auditor’s report. Enso Group’s shareholders can also submit written questions regarding the statutory audit report to the auditors via the Company.

Enso Group’s businesses are required to conduct their affairs in an accountable and transparent manner, reflecting the interests of its shareholders, employees, host communities and customers, and others affected by its activities.
We take it as our responsibility to effectively communicate with the general investment community. To keep our stakeholders informed, we have adopted continuous disclosure standards, and numbers are posted on the website, in whichever case disclosures are relevant.
Results, presentations and other significant events are made available on request by any stakeholders. We also produce a range of informative publications, which are available on the website and by request. The main channels of communication with the general