Kada-NefteGaz (KNG) is a Russian Oil & Gas Company. It holds the license for the exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the Irkutsk region in the Eastern Siberian part of Russia. It has two fields with total reserves (C1 + C2) of 38 billion m³ of gas (approximately 1.3 tcf). Moreover, the discovery of new gas condensate pools/fields after the 2D seismic CDP & electrical TEM has further increased the prospective resources by 3.9 Tcf of gas and 48.5 MMbbls of condensate. This strategically located licence block has all the required transport and energy infrastructure and has evolved into a developed industrial area.
It has the following natural gas supply agreements with local industrial consumers:
- Sayanski (SCP), the largest PVC producer in Russia with potential demand of up to 600 million m3 per year
- Knauf Gypsum Baikal, with the potential demand of up to 30 million m3 per year

The current reserves and prospective resources are located in Irkutsk region, the most gas prolific region of Russia. The Zaslavsky License Block is a world-class gas province, with over 5 TCF of gas and over 60 MMbbls of condensate.
gas reserves
The production of gas started here in Q2 2019, while the LNG production began in Q2 2021. The major roads, M-53 and trans-Siberian railway, go through the South-West part of the block. Three exploration wells have been drilled to date: Zas 1, Zas 2 & Zas 3, with two gas field discoveries.
- Zas 1 led to the discovery of Zaslavskoye Gas – condensate field
- Zas 2 led to the discovery of Sayanskoye Gas – condensate field
- 2D Seismic Survey was done for approximately 800 km of the perspective parts of the license block
- There are about 600 observation points of electrical survey on the licence block.